Babyproofing Your Home

Babyproofing your home is important to keep your little one safe as they start to explore. Here’s some tips to help you get started:

General Tips

  1. Get Down on Their Level: Crawl around to see the house from a baby’s perspective. This will help you identify potential hazards.
  2. Secure Heavy Furniture: Anchor bookshelves, dressers, and TVs to the wall to prevent them from tipping over.
  3. Cover Sharp Edges: Use corner and edge bumpers on furniture and fireplaces to protect against falls and bumps.
  4. Install Safety Gates: Place gates at the top and bottom of stairs and in doorways to restrict access to unsafe areas.


  1. Lock Cabinets and Drawers: Use childproof locks on cabinets and drawers that contain dangerous items like knives, cleaning supplies, and small objects.
  2. Stove Safety: Use stove knob covers and a stove guard to prevent little hands from turning on burners. Always turn pot handles inward.
  3. Secure Appliances: Ensure heavy appliances like microwaves and coffee makers are pushed back from the edge of counters or securely anchored.

Living Room

  1. Cover Outlets: Install outlet covers or plates that are difficult for children to remove.
  2. Hide Cords: Use cord shorteners or covers to keep electrical cords out of reach.
  3. Move Fragile Items: Relocate items like vases, picture frames, and decorative pieces out of reach.


  1. Lock Toilets: Install toilet locks to prevent drowning hazards.
  2. Keep Chemicals Out of Reach: Store medications, cleaning supplies, and toiletries in high cabinets or locked storage.
  3. Non-Slip Mats: Use non-slip mats in the bathtub and on bathroom floors to prevent slips and falls.
  4. Temperature Control: Set your water heater to 120°F (49°C) to prevent scalding.


  1. Crib Safety: Ensure the crib meets safety standards. Keep the crib free of pillows, blankets, and stuffed animals to reduce the risk of suffocation.
  2. Secure Furniture: Anchor dressers and other furniture to the wall. Avoid placing furniture near windows.
  3. Window Safety: Install window guards or stops to prevent falls. Keep blind cords out of reach to prevent strangulation.


  1. Use Safe Bedding: Use a firm mattress with a fitted sheet. Avoid soft bedding, bumper pads, and pillows.
  2. Secure Changing Table: Ensure the changing table has a safety strap and is sturdy.
  3. Monitor Toys: Regularly check toys for small parts that could pose a choking hazard and ensure they are age-appropriate.

Throughout the House

  1. Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors: Install detectors on every level of your home and test them regularly.
  2. Emergency Numbers: Keep a list of emergency numbers, including Poison Control, near each phone and programmed into your cell phone.
  3. Remove Small Objects: Keep small items, such as coins, batteries, and buttons, out of reach as they pose choking hazards.

Outdoor Areas

  1. Secure Pools and Hot Tubs: Use a fence with a self-latching gate around pools. Keep hot tubs covered and locked.
  2. Check Play Equipment: Ensure playground equipment is in good condition and appropriate for your child’s age.
  3. Safe Surfaces: Use soft surfaces like mulch or rubber mats under play equipment to cushion falls.

Final Steps

  • Regular Inspections: Periodically re-evaluate your home as your child grows and becomes more mobile.
  • Educate Caregivers: Ensure anyone who cares for your child knows about the baby proofing measures you’ve put in place.
  • First Aid Kit: Keep a well-stocked first aid kit accessible for emergencies.
Check out these award winning safety gates - durable and easy to install (#Ad)

 By following these steps, you can start to create a safer environment for your child to explore and grow.